What is Vitt Factor? When Vitt Factor founder Caden Vittorini was younger, his grandmother used to tell him he had the IT Factor. She said repeatedly throughout his childhood and it began to resonate with him; he realized he was extremely fortunate to be born with a drive and something inside of his that refused to settle for average and extremely lucky to have IT. This is where the name of "Vitt Factor" originated for his company.
In Caden's words...."As a certified professional life coach, I believe in maintaining a positive mindset, creating partnerships with a purpose, and always striving for significant outcomes. I am determined to help others (from coaching clients, to the 1% Team, to events and presentations to the public and at school assemblies) to find their Vitt Factor."
Caden sees his own youth as a 21-year old, as a true asset that compliments his goals to empower young people, and why they see results. He strives to always relate to the challenges they are experiencing, and to stay relevant by helping them see that he understands what they are going through. He works to show his clients and others he meets through Vitt Factor - that investing in yourself to be your best self IS cool.
Caden has always taken working hard for what he wanted seriously; he excelled in school and participated in extremely time-consuming activities and was able to excel.
See below for a bullet list of achievements (to date)
3rd Degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo, competed nationally in the Junior Olympics.
Danced competitively in Hip Hop, winning several national championships, and has appeared on America's Got Talent and got three YES'S
Played competitive lacrosse in high school and college and won the "Man Up Award"
Student at Western Michigan University-studying Business & Leadership/Strategy
Speaker at Think & Grow Rich Conference
TEDx Speaker
Best Selling Author of Becoming the 1%
Seen on WGN
Consistently volunteers in the community to give back to those less fortunate
Caden wants to be a shining example for our next generation of leaders by showing them that their dreams are possible- but that they must plan and work to make them a reality!​